The bookcase/window seat is one more step closer to being completed now the I've put all the new hardware on the bookcase doors and added the glass shelves.
Here it is....
I added safety glass/tempered glass to the panels nearest the window seat. I was worried that one of my granddaughters might accidently hit the glass with one of their feet as they laid out on the window seat cushions reading one of their books. I would never forgive myself if I didn't spend the extra money to protect them. Each of the two panels were $65.00 each for the safety glass.
When I put the shelves in the bookcase, I placed them at different heights, so they are not symmetrical. I thought it was more interesting. Here is a peek inside the bookcase:
This one features some of my Wizard of Oz books from my collection. As a child, I read the whole 14 book collection and it has been a favorite of mine.
This one is not finished, as I want to add more books. The bookcases have mirror backs and puck lights at the top of the bookcase.
Now, on to sewing the cushion for the window seat.